For over 62 years serving the customer, Mourinho Ópticas currently has three establishments in the city of Porto, available to meet your needs in the area of optics, through quality products and providing excellent services. At Moutinho Ópticas you can find various eyeglass, lens and maintenance consumables solutions from the most respected brands, as well as services such as Optometry, Contactology, Eye Prostheses and Eyeglass Prostheses. Through personalized service and the commitment to provide the best products to the consumer, Moutinho Ópticas is recognized as a reference in the field of optics.
Optics, glasses, contactology, optometry, workshop, eye prostheses
Monday to Saturday 9:30 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 19:00
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Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque, 171
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