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Ervanários Coutinho – Material Cirúrgico C. Soares Lda.

Ervanários Coutinho is a family-run business which started in the 1940s in the Bolhão Market. Devotion to natural medicine guides the business, whose motto is "to help, teach and improve the quality of life of our customers". At Ervanários Coutinho you will find a wide variety of natural products: organic, macrobiotic, vegetarian, gluten-free and sugar-free food; homeopathic products; aromatherapy and phytotherapy articles, food supplements, medicinal plants and natural cosmetics. They also offer beauty and wellness consultations and services.

Natural suplements, natural and macrobiotic nutrition, gluten free produtcs and cosmetic.

Monday to friday: 09h - 19h | Saturday: 09h - 13h | Sunday: closed.

Home delivery

Money, ATM, MB Way, Bank transfer

Vouchers: 10€, 15€, 20€,


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Praça Parada Leitão, 21

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