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Velhustro - Antiques is a shop dedicated to selling and buying antiques. If you are looking for a chest of drawers that confers the status of antiquity, say, in the style of Louis XV, antique jewelry boxes, jars, showcases, sideboards, terrines, armchairs, fruit trees, candlesticks, or even complete furniture, among others, Velhustro may be the solution. We evaluate old fillings of loose furniture, saints, silverware, statuettes, watches, toys, notebooks, postcards, linen, walking sticks and art objects. If you are looking to sell, Velhustro goes to your home, including on Saturdays and Sundays.

Furniture, antiques

Monday to Friday: 10:00-19:00 | Saturday and Sunday: Closed


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Rua da Alegria, 318

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